Voltage perturbations of the electricity supply on Coll

A description of the island's electricity supply can be seen here

If your home's supply voltage is too high then your electrical equipment may run too fast, too bright, too.... and may burn out prematurely

There is a legal requirement for the supply in your house not to exceed 253 volts and not fall below 216.2 volts.

Coll suffers atypical voltage fluctuations. There are four factors involved:

  1. Coll is close to the end of a long 33kV and then 11kV distribution network. The lower the voltage (Coll is the lowest @ 11kV) the greater the fluctuations in voltage during power changes (ΔV ∝ Ω²).
  2. Coll has two sub-sea cables (Tiree & Mull) which generate & accentuate feedback.
  3. Erratic generation of alternative energy sources on both Coll and Tiree accentuated by the sub-sea cables and that the line is a cul-de-sac..
  4. Coll has very little electrical infrastructure to absorb power fluctuations & feedback.
Electricity contacts

Today =>Yesterday =>High legal limit: 253 vLow legal limit: 216 v14:0014:3015:0015:3016:0016:3017:0017:3018:0018:3019:0019:3020:0020:3021:0021:3022:0022:3023:0023:300:000:301:001:302:002:303:003:304:004:305:005:306:006:307:007:308:008:309:009:3010:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:3013:0013:30Time: over the last 24 hours215219223227231235239243247251255
